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Czech Republic - Sonderwaffenlager (Feb 2022) | Oblivion State Urban Exploration

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Czech Republic Sonderwaffenlager (Feb 2022)


OS Full member
OS Full member
Jan 20, 2014
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Bunkers of the "Monolith" type can be found not only in the territory of the former GDR but also in Poland and the Czech Republic. One of the three areas, including two two-story underground ammunition depots built as part of Action “XXXXXX”, is located about 3.5 km north of Aaaaaaaa, just off the Bbbbb - Ccccccc road. More precisely, it is a building with the inscription VVVVVV. Before 1990, a Czechoslovak citizen would not have had the opportunity to drive on this road. The entire area of the military training area was military territory, which only a few residents were allowed to enter. There was only one road through the area for civilian cars, and no stopping was enforced.

However, most of the Soviet soldiers stationed in this region did not get a chance to approach the camp building. Only predetermined personnel had access to the special ammunition depots. The vast majority of soldiers stationed at Ddddd were probably unaware of this facility.
From the outside, this top secret object looks like any other small barracks object. Quarters for less than two hundred soldiers, a staff, a cinema, a garage or a boiler room. In our territory there were tens and hundreds of similar complexes. However, this area, which currently serves as a refugee camp for the Ministry of the Interior, is different in one way. Directly behind the barracks area is the area of the special ammunition storage. Warning signs with the inscription "Enter strictly prohibited, danger to life" and remains of the area fence still bear witness to its existence.

The importance of the area is evidenced not only by double fences or concrete forts in the immediate vicinity. The fact that this is an object of special importance is shown by the crescent-shaped defensive ditches for 2 to 3 soldiers, which are always about 100 meters apart between the outer and inner fences. It was actually the first line of defense of warehouses. Behind these moats we find an internal barbed wire fence that protected the building itself.
From the entire fence of the site and from the gate to the building, only remnants are preserved today, which only give an idea of how massive the building was. Almost in the entire area we can encounter other defensive elements. Concrete bunkers covering a 360° perimeter at each corner of the depot, or concrete forts protecting the perimeter are clear proof that a potential imperialist pest shouldn't have had the slightest chance.

There were two main camps on the site. Each of the buildings is approximately 40 meters long and 20 meters wide. Each of the warehouses had two opposing massive main gates equipped with entrances. According to the information available, one should always only be used for unloading and the other for loading stored goods. Each of the main entrances to the camp originally featured a covered concrete ramp that allowed trucks to reverse. The original appearance of the concrete ramps can be seen in the photographs, which come from almost identical camps in the former GDR. These ramps have not been preserved for buildings in Ralsko. The storerooms had a ground floor and a basement.

While the ground floor was mainly used for loading and unloading material, the basement housed storage rooms and technical facilities. The ground floor and basement were connected by a dispatch hall. The warheads were easy to handle while allowing for complete secrecy. Even the truck driver didn't need to know what material he was transporting and what the warehouse looked like.

After unloading from the truck, the warhead containers were transferred to handling trucks, pulled through the first thick-walled concrete gate into the depot in the space between the first and second pressure gates. At this point, the container with the head was taken over by the controlled warehouse staff, the outer gate was closed and only then the inner thick-walled gate was opened and the ammunition was dragged into the transhipment hall. The container was then lowered to the basement with a crawler crane for storage in one of the four storage rooms.
In each of the temperature-controlled and air-conditioned rooms, there was space for a maximum of 15 containers in two rows. The trolleys were fixed in the rooms to prevent them from rolling away by clamping the anchors to the floor. In each storage room there is also a huge safe for documenting the stored material. At full capacity, a building could accommodate up to 60 warehouse trucks, and two depots within a complex could accommodate 120 trucks.

The camp area was one of the areas with the strictest access regime. Only authorized persons were allowed to enter and only in pairs. During the normal operation of the camp, he was the head of the camp and the commander of the entire complex. The supervisor whose post was directly in the building was not allowed to enter the storage area directly. The warehouse was permanently locked with two padlocks and the opening report was sent to both the surveillance warehouse and the surveillance department. The main entrances to the camp were always closed except when material was being weighed or dispensed. The warehouse staff entered the building through the side entrance to conduct tests and revisions.

A constant temperature and humidity had to be ensured in the storage area. Each of the warehouses was therefore connected to a central air conditioning system. In addition, electric direct heaters for the additional air heating were prepared in each of the warehouses. The temperature in the storage area had to be between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius. Therefore, temperature and humidity gauges were not missing in each of the camps. The camps were also equipped with an emergency helium nuclear warhead cooling system. However, this system was used only in the event of a failure of the central air conditioning system, when there was a risk of overheating of the nuclear warhead core.
The concrete slabs that formed the entrances to the warehouses have long since been torn down. The camouflage roofs of the ventilation shafts disappeared from the roofs of the bunkers, and the forest camouflaging the objects was partially cut down. All entrances to the severely damaged buildings were filled in in 2004.

Refugees now find refuge in the barracks of the former camp building. Some of them are undoubtedly from the countries of the former Soviet Union and probably have no idea that just a short distance away were the warehouses from which one of the first nuclear warheads to start World War III could come. That just a few meters from their beds was one of the most dangerous places in the former Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.



Staff member
Dec 16, 2013
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That's fucking awesome. My kind of place!