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  1. Landie_Man

    Mcmullen and Sons Brewery, Hertford- Visited Nov 09 - 2013

    2013: This was a good day out, and in the old Landie it was a trek! I'm not sure how this looks now, but in empty building terms, 4 years is an absolute ETERNITY and its probably knackered now. This was a lovely piece of abandonment and had a wonderful malty smell. 2009: Visited with Fraser...
  2. shaddam

    Bunker SRHQ 4.2 - Hertford 2013 .. again

    Yep sorry to bore you all but heres another set of photos of the lovely bunker, this one was totally out of the blue and was a surprise till i go there :eek: , after meeting up with Mr key and SN and point out how close the Bacon shop was to the building, i knew this was going to be great...
  3. Troglodyte

    Regional Government Bunker SRHQ 4.2, Hertford, Aug 2012.

    This bunker has always been at the back of my mind since I first heard about it in 2004. Local newspapers at the time were always mentioning secret tunnels running throughout Hertford and this bunker was said to lead into them. So not only a bunker to explore but apparently an extensive set of...
  4. Nelly

    Transco Laboratory - Hertford - Sept 2011

    Contrary to popular belief Transco does not sell or supply gas it is simply the branch of National Grid PLC that transports gas across the country via a network of pipelines. That's about as exciting as it gets really, but remember if you smell gas, call Transco straight away!!! 0800 111 999...
  5. Nelly

    McMullen Brewery - Hertford - Sept 2011

    If you want to visit this fine brewery then don't hang about as so much of it has gone already :( Another fantastic explore with Skeleton Key and Troglodyte The History Peter McMullen, a Master Cooper by profession, started the business in 1827. He made barrels and casks selling them to...