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  1. darbians

    Mile Long Telescope March 2012

    Well I have no idea where the mile part comes from as the tracks are actually 800m. Well according to Wikipedia anyway. Doing more research is just getting confusing. I have found that there maybe more to the site than what I or others have posted. Some of the site is live with one big dish...
  2. Paulpowers

    One Mile Telescope - July 2013

    I've been off-line for a few days so the flurry of activity is just what I've been up to this last week Hotest day so far of the year and I decided that sitting in a big dish was a good idea, it's a miracle I didn't get sun stroke walking about this site. They could have made a half mile...
  3. Nelly

    Mullard Radio Observatory - One Mile Telescope - Feb 2012

    Splored with UrbanX, Skeleton Key, Tog, Mrs Trog, Chieftan and Beer Switch This is a vast semi live site, the research shows that it has around 12 radio telescopes (7 decommisioned and 5 in use) this is only one of them. Its called the One Mile Telescope and is made up of several moveable...
  4. Nelly

    Severalls Asylum - Mile End - Colchester - Jan 2011

    One of the most impressive things that I have ever seen. The size of the place and the sheer scale cannot be described, the corridors that stretch seemingly for miles and the surprises that await around every corner. The History Severalls Hospital was the second Essex County Asylum - opening...