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militairy | Oblivion State Urban Exploration

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  1. utrinf

    Germany A Military Airfield - March, 2018

    My first real Urban Exploration was done on that airfield. This is where it all began for me and it wasn't even that long ago! The airfield opened in 1936, initially for the usage for civilian air traffic such as sport flying (if that's a word). Not only that but the area was also used for...
  2. SpiderMonkey

    RAF West Raynham - 2015

    Visited this one on a weekender with Andy de Kay of Behind Closed Doors after deciding we'd have a chill day on the Saturday, and get the epics done on the Sunday (Which didn't go so well by the way :D Nearly broke my legs).Overall this was pretty relaxed visit, the condition of the place is...
  3. Vancolen Kevin

    Lost Boeing ( visit 2013) 2014
