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  1. darbians

    Mile Long Telescope March 2012

    Well I have no idea where the mile part comes from as the tracks are actually 800m. Well according to Wikipedia anyway. Doing more research is just getting confusing. I have found that there maybe more to the site than what I or others have posted. Some of the site is live with one big dish...
  2. Paulpowers

    One Mile Telescope - July 2013

    I've been off-line for a few days so the flurry of activity is just what I've been up to this last week Hotest day so far of the year and I decided that sitting in a big dish was a good idea, it's a miracle I didn't get sun stroke walking about this site. They could have made a half mile...
  3. Nelly

    Mullard Radio Observatory - One Mile Telescope - Feb 2012

    Splored with UrbanX, Skeleton Key, Tog, Mrs Trog, Chieftan and Beer Switch This is a vast semi live site, the research shows that it has around 12 radio telescopes (7 decommisioned and 5 in use) this is only one of them. Its called the One Mile Telescope and is made up of several moveable...