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  1. The Wombat

    Great Oxendon - closed - Tunnels (The Rat Holes), Northants, Oct14

    The southbound bore is open to the public as a cycle path, and I have visited many times over the years. But it is the closed northbound bore that has always held my interest. Firstly, due to the curve, you cannot see through it, unlike its counterpart. Secondly, it has a few items cluttering...
  2. MiaroDigital

    Railway factory - visit 10/2014

    1. Bahnbetriebswerk rocked 01 by MiaroDigital, on Flickr 2. Bahnbetriebswerk rocked 02 by MiaroDigital, on Flickr 3. Bahnbetriebswerk rocked 03 by MiaroDigital, on Flickr
  3. MiaroDigital

    Railway operation factory - visit 06/2012

    1. LokschuppenWest01 von MiaroDigital auf Flickr 2. LokschuppenWest02 von MiaroDigital auf Flickr 3. LokschuppenWest03 von MiaroDigital auf Flickr 4. LokschuppenWest04 von MiaroDigital auf Flickr 5. LokschuppenWest05 von MiaroDigital auf Flickr 6. LokschuppenWest06 von...
  4. The Wombat

    Barnsdale Tunnel, Yorkshire, Mar14

    First explore en route to Sheffield. Also visited the Doctor’s House, and one other fail. Still, 2 out of 3 is good, and the site that defeated us will get a return visit in the future. First tunnel I’ve been able to take the DSLR down, and despite how dark it is in there...
  5. The Wombat

    East Norton tunnel, Leics, Aug13

    This tunnel is an old favorite of mine so I returned to do some light painting, and catch some new shots in full summer overgrowth, and thought I would share the photos. The north portal is surrounded in undergrowth, whilst a grove of trees has grown around the south portal. The tunnel remains...
  6. Axel M

    Railway Repair Depot (Oct2013)

    The web should be full of posts of the RAW (Reichsbahn Ausbesserungs-Werk) probably...was there in Oct 2013, I believe it�s the most colourful abandoned place I ever saw (might have exaggerated just a bit ;-) Lots of construction underway around, maybe high time to see... Cheers, Axel
  7. The Elusive

    Another Oakamoor! (Visited 2012-) 2013

    I see there are 2 posts of this place already in existence, ill not replicate with the history and just post me pics that are different, with my old point and shoot :) oh I had an interesting encounter with a van full of men, who shouted out they knew we where here and looked around a bit but...
  8. northerngeek

    Abandoned railway tunnel (2013)

    Abandoned railway tunnel in Oslo, Norway. One of my first splores. Location was shared with me by splorer I met in an abandoned building nearby, and when I was in the tunnel I met two others, one of them who's been my fellow splorer since :-).
  9. T

    Botanic Gardens Railway Station March 2013

    Visited with Scattergun and Stussy (and 2 non members) The station was opened on 10 August 1896 by the Glasgow Central Railway. The station building was on ground level, and the platforms were underground, beneath the Glasgow Botanic Gardens. It was closed between 1 January 1917 and 2 March...
  10. Canonguy

    coal railway sunderland-Nov 2012

    on the way back from visiting family in sunderland i saw this old factory building (now used to store bingo trucks :dunno: ) and i had my camera and i really wanted to go in but secca was sitting at the front was impossible to get in another way so i had to go ask very nicely to see...
  11. superwide

    Ashford Railway yard 03/2011

    Bit of a last minute explore, have looked at the site a few time before, but security and the fact it is rail land put me off, so i decided to have a chat with the security man and he said fine as long as we dont go inside any of the buildings.....i must have missed that last bit :) . Had a...
  12. PowerSurge

    Great Britain Undisclosed Railway Station Cellar 2009

    Well with nothing better to do one afternoon. I decided to investigate the cellar of this undisclosed station. Undisclosed why? Well I had to get permission to crack open the doors that lead to the cellar. The station in question is still very much operational I had a member of station staff...
  13. vanishing days

    Ramsgate Air Raid Tunnels - Railway Tunnel - 2008

    i no its been done before but heres my pics main part cool old bikes entrance exit cool old fair ground
  14. E

    Great Britain Swansea Vale Railway, Swansea - 24/04/08 - REPORT.

    This is a fantastic site full of old and new trains and related kit. Swansea council has been trying for ages to get it shut down and has now succeeded. It was close to me so hood_mad and I decided to have a look. There are CCTV cameras in the area, notably, one on the main wall of the...